Preparing Families For Emergencies The Right Way, The First Time.

Feel the peace and security that comes from having the right supplies and skills to weather bad times

Marcello's clients include...

...and thousands of families like yours!

Our Mission

...To help over 10,000 families get prepared within the next 12 months.

Dear Friend:

The last couple of years have been pretty crazy - right?!

Doesn't it seem like we’re always just one story away from the world collapsing?

Watching the evening news is enough to keep you awake at night, worry gnawing away at your stomach.

We've seen...

  • ​Pandemics and global lock-downs​

  • ​​The Great Resignation (mass employment loss)

  • ​​​Food shortages ​​

  • ​​Skyrocketing gas prices ​​

  • ​​Economic upheaval ​​

  • ​​War in Ukraine​

  • ​​Nuclear threats ​​

  • ​​Double-digit inflation

  • ​​Supply-chain backups

  • And the list goes on!...​

You are probably feeling, along with millions of other Americans, things are bad right now and are about to get much worse.

But, most families don't know how to prepare the right way in order to not waste precious time and money on the wrong products and practices.

Helping 10,000 Families Get Prepared Right

Getting prepared for emergencies can be tough... especially when things are getting worse and you don't have the time and money to keep making mistakes.

We too have felt the same way and have been in your shoes, wondering where do I begin? How do I store water or food? What kinds of foods are good? How do I protect my family from inflation? What types of situations do I need to plan for? And, so much more.

We, like you, love our country, the constitution, and want to protect our own families, and we know that as we help other families to prepare, it will make us all stronger.

By helping 10,000 families prepare the right way, we hope to create a ripple effect, helping millions of families in the end.

Here is what some of Marcello's clients say...

I trust Marcello and love working with him!

What impresses me most about Marcello is his knowledge, his connections, and also his integrity. He digs deep so he can provide great solutions to his clients. That's probably the reason why many of us keep coming back to Marcello over and over. He is the best of the best and has helped myself (as a preparedness professional and a mother) and has helped my family so much. I love working with Marcello!

Krista K.

Preparedness Coach

Marcello really knows the industry!

Redfora is the creator of The Earthquake Bag and as a fast growing company we service lots of clients in the preparedness world and need to keep up to speed. Marcello has helped us understand the science behind what works and what doesn't, and has opened up some great connections we wouldn't have had otherwise. Marcello knows the industry extremely well. Thank you again Marcello!

Skyler Hallgren

Co-Owner - Redfora

Marcello is a Preparedness sherpa!

Within the preparedness community, most of my time was wasted researching topics, with little guidance, until I found your course. You are a Sherpa in the preparedness industry and have saved me the costly mistakes of choosing the wrong suppliers. You've helped me know how to prepare the right way for any disaster event. Working with you is the best decision we’ve ever made to protect our family.

Michelle N.

7PrepSteps Graduate

As the owner of one of the oldest emergency preparedness companies nationwide, I personally want to thank Marcello for teaching me principles that have helped me with my clients and my family of 7 children. Marcello is the top of the industry when it comes to understanding and teaching the right principles and practices to help individuals, families, and organizations get prepared the right way.

Al Cabacungan - CEO/Founder - Be Ready 

Copyright - All Rights Reserved

Contact Us: 801-583-2215

Address: 10366 S. Redwood Rd, South Jordan, UT 84095